We understand that bringing a team on a mission trip is a big financial undertaking. To make it easier on all of us, we have provided a cost calculator (below) to estimate the cost of your stay at the House of Hope based on the number of team members you are bringing and how many days you are staying. Additional costs not factored into this calculation are listed below. 


  • The daily cost per person at the House of Hope for food and lodging is $45. This cost includes:

    • Meals and Drinks: $25 (Breakfast - $9, Lunch - $4, Dinner - $12)

    • Water, Electric, Wifi, etc.: $7.00

    • Laundry and Cleaning: $5

    • Transportation and Security: $8.00

  • Depending on the arrival and departure times of flights, teams might need to spend the night in Santa Cruz. Larger teams will stay at the Hotel Sun near the airport. Smaller teams can stay in sleep boxes at the airport. You should plan on $50 per person here.

  • Flights in-country must be booked separately through the Bolivian airline. Costs will vary depending on date and time, but generally $120 will cover a round trip ticket to Cochabamba.

  • We ask all work teams to budget $2,500 to cover materials and expenses of the trip if they have less than 10 people. If they have more than 10 people we ask instead that each person provide $250 to the project to help with the additional cost.

  • We ask that you send all of the funds to International Ministries. Please send in a check or a money order and in the memo line put the following "Bolivia/House of Hope/team name Expenses. These funds need to be received at least one month in advance of the first day of your trip to help us provide for expenses in advance. If this isn't possible, please contact us via email so we can make other arrangements.

  • Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the financial aspect of the trip.