Team Testimonials
“This experience has changed my perspective. It has made me more passionate about learning about our great and wonderful God. It has made me take the things in my life like my family and just basic things like a hot shower less for granted. It has made me appreciate the beauty of the world a little more. It has made me realize that no matter what happens, that God is in control of everything. He has a plan and it will be fulfilled. ”
“The House of Hope is one of the best ways I know for a congregation to engage in short-term missions opportunities that are effective, logistically supported, and that have lasting impact on individuals, the church, and the community where the project takes place. The actual house where team members stay is an oasis of comfort that lets them be refreshed and recharged for the hard work of ministry. The staff enables each participant to gain invaluable experience and make a meaningful contribution to the cause of Christ in an area of the world where there is a lot of work to do. ”
“Another incredible moment happened in a small church, filled with mostly college students. Many members of the church were Brazilian medical students studying in Bolivia. At the end of the service, we all stood up to sing. Many of the songs that evening had been unfamiliar, especically since they were being sang in Portuguese. However, this song was different; they were singing “How He Loves” by David Crowder. During the first chorus, praises were being sung in Portuguese, English, and probably Spanish as well. The Spirit moved powerfully. Words cannot describe the beauty of those few moments. I had never experienced something so close to experiencing what Heaven will be like, where God’s children from all tribes and languages will gather together and joyfully proclaim His glory. The lyrics were not merely words that we sung. They were a proclamation of the goodness of our God that was evident in all that we experienced in Bolivia. He loves us, Oh how He loves us. ”
Marshall uNiversity Mission Team
In March 2017. a group from Marshall University's Baptist Campus Ministries visited the House of Hope in Cochabamba and completed several projects
Bolivia Study tour
In October 2013, a team of pastors from Colorado, Nebraska, & Wyoming traveled to Bolivia to learn from pastors, missionaries, and local believers how ministry in done in the Latin American context.