frequently asked questions
What’s the weather like?
Cochabama has been called the “City of Eternal Spring” and “The City of Flowers,” which means the temperature is generally between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with cool nights, sometimes as low as 45 degrees Fahrenheit. It is also important to bring a water bottle because it is very dry.
What should I pack?
We have a page dedicated to helping you answer this question precisely. Visit it here.
What can we bring to help the ministries?
We also have a page dedicated to this, visit it here to help continue the work we're doing!
How many people can we bring?
Although we can house more, we suggest that teams be fifteen or less, including leaders and chaperones.
Do I need to speak Spanish?
No, we have people that can translate for you.
Where will we be staying?
You will stay at the actual House of Hope, a ministry training center that has room to house teams of up to fifteen people comfortably.
Do I need a visa to come to Bolivia?
Yes, if you are a United States citizen, you must buy a 10-year tourist visa before you come to Bolivia. We suggest that you begin your application process two months before your trip. This application process must be done at Another option is to use a visa service that will have an additional cost, but will ensure you receive your visa in a timely process. If you want this information, please contact us (LINK HERE).
What vaccinations do I have to have?
According to the Bolivian government, the only vaccination required for your VISA is yellow fever. Depending on where you are working the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) malaria medicine, an up to date tetanus and rabies shot, although Cochabama is at a higher altitude than mosquitos carrying malaria can live and we do not work with stray dogs, so rabies is not a concern. Sometimes we suggest people to use an altitude medication, which we provide, to assist you in staying well at this altitude.
What if I have a food allergy?
We can easily accommodate any food allergy you may have, but you must let us know at least two weeks before your trip, so we have time to properly prepare.
How much money should I bring?
We suggest to buy souvenirs and gifts for family and friends, that you do not need more than $100. Please bring currency in fresh, $20 bills.
Should we wear team shirts when we come?
We love it when teams have a mission trip shirt (especially when you bring extras for us!), but we like many others, suggest that you would not wear them on travel days, so as to not attract attention to yourselves.
Can I drink the water?
The water in Cochabama sits in sisterns, because there is a consistent level of drought in the area due to altitude, low rainfall and diminishing mountaintop glaciers. For that reason, it is not wise to drink water from the tap. However, we will provide you with plenty of bottled and filtered water that is safe to drink while you are with us.
How do I shower and brush my teeth?
Although it is not good to ingest the water, it is perfectly safe to shower with it, as long as you do not open your mouth. We provide water bottles in the bathrooms to brush your teeth.